使用三重嵌套的HYCOM(The HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model)数值模式模拟气候态东海黑潮。模式水平分辨率从大区模式的1°×1°cosθ提高到小区模式的1/8°×1/8°cosθ。对模拟结果的分析表明:(1)高水平分辨率模式对黑潮特征量的模拟有明显的改进。这些改进主要由两方面的原因引起:地形分辨率的提高和改善的斜压效应。(2)小区模式的模拟结果较好地再现了PN断面的垂向结构。基本反映了PN断面流速和流量的季节变化规律。夏季流速最强、流量最大,秋季流速最弱、流量最小,冬、春两季处于过渡期。(3)模式成功地模拟出东海黑潮东侧的逆流。该逆流流速稳定,夏季流速略大。(4)模式模拟出了PN断面的流速双核结构。
A triply nested HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) was used to simulate the climatological Kuroshio in the East China Sea. The model resolution increases from 1°× 1°cosθ to 1/8 °×1/8 °cosθ. The following conclusions can be deduced from the numerical results:(1) The higher-resolution model can improve the simulation results of Kuroshio, which is mostly caused by better representation of topography and baroclinicity; (2) The higher-resolution model results reproduce the water vertical structure of PN section,and generally reflect seasonal variation rule of current velocity and current flux at PN section. In summer,current velocity is the strongest and current flux is the largest, while in autumn,current velocity is the weakest and current flux is the lowest, and the values in winter and spring are between those of summer and autumn;(3) The model successfully simulates the countercurrent in the east of Kuroshio, which is steady and comparatively larger in summer;(4) The model simulates the double core structure of Kuroshio at PN section.
Marine Science Bulletin