
股深动脉血流重建治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(附28例报告) 被引量:4

Clinical Study on the Role of Profunda Femorts Revascularization for Arteriosclerosis Oblilerans of the Lower Extremlty
摘要 目的:总结股深动脉血流重建治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的经验。方法:以股深动脉作为流入道和流出道施行旁路转流术,共4种手术方式:①腹主-股深动脉旁路转流术;②股-股深动脉旁路转流术;③股深动脉成形术;④股深动脉-腘动脉旁路转流术。结果:治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症28例,共38条患肢。本组28例已随访5~60个月,平均24个月。疗效良好者20例;1例症状好转;3例保留足跟的截足者,仅保持户内活动,但生活可自理;1例术后6个月因严重感染行膝下截肢术。结论:当髂股或股浅动脉广泛性闭塞时,股深动脉作为流入道和流出道,为重建下肢血液循环起重要作用。股深动脉血流重建治疗严重肢体缺血简单,安全,有效。 Objective:To apply the profunda femoris artery for the treatment of the treatment of severly is chemic lower extremity.Methods:Making use of profunda femoris artery as inffow or outflow pathway in bypass operation.There were four kinds of operations:① Aorto-profunda bypass;②Common femoro-profunda cross over bypass;③ Profundoplasty;④Profundo-popliteal artery bypass.Results:28 casess with severe arteriosclerosis obliterans weretreated torally 38 lowerlimbs.After a mean follow-up 24 months,the excellent results were achieved in 20cases and 1patient improved.Amputation was performed in one limb after 6 months of operation because of severe infection.Conclusions:The profunda femoris artery plays an important role in aorto-femoral artery reconstruction.It is a good inflow or outflow providing artery to severely ischemic lower limbs with occlusion of aorto-ilio-superficial,ilio-superficial or superfical femoral arteries.Profunda femoris revascularization is simple,safe andeffective.
出处 《航空航天医药》 2010年第3期283-284,共2页 Aerospace Medicine
关键词 动脉硬化闭塞症 股深动脉 重建血管 Atherosclerotic occlusive disease Profundoplasty Reconstruction
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