
牛孕激素受体SNP分析及其与精液品质的关系 被引量:3

SNP analysis of progesterone receptor gene and its relationship with semen quality in bulls
摘要 孕激素受体(PR)对于正常雌性动物生殖功能的实现具有重要调节作用,该基因在雄性动物中生物学作用尚不十分清楚。本研究通过PCR-SSCP方法对种公牛群体的PR基因所有外显子及5′UTR多态性进行检测。结果表明:PR基因外显子4、外显子8及5′UTR均检测到了多态性位点,其他外显子没有发现遗传多态性;测序表明外显子4发生了A20G突变,没有导致氨基酸的改变,外显子8发生G86T和A207T突变,其中G86T突变导致所编码的G(甘氨酸)变成V(缬氨酸),A207T突变导致所编码的Q(谷氨酰胺)变成H(组氨酸),5′UTR处存在G-1809A和C-1808G碱基突变。最后用最小二乘分析方法对其基因型和生产性状进行了相关性分析,第4及第8外显子的遗传多态性与部分精液品质性状呈显著相关。 Progesterone receptor (PR) plays critical roles in the female, however, the biological effect of PR in the male is not clear. The exons and 5'UTR polymorphisms of PR gene in bulls were detected in the current project by PCR-SSCP. The result indicated that polymor- phisms in exon 4, exon 8 and 5'UTR were detected in this population, there was no polymorphism in other exons ; sequencing result indicated that there was an A20G mutation in exon 4, no amino acid alteration by this mutation. There were two mutations in exon 8, G86T and A207T, and they led to Gly-to-Val and Gin-to-His substitutions respectively. G-1809A and C-1808G mutations occurred in 5'UTR. The relationship between genetypes and performances was analyzed, the results indicated that genetic polymorphisms of exon 4 and exon 8 significantly correlated with partial sperm quality performances.
出处 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2010年第1期32-35,共4页 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2007BAD55B03) "863"计划项目(2008AA101010)
关键词 种公牛 孕激素受体 精液品质 bull progesterone receptor semen quality
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