There are still some problems in transgenic animals. Gene transfer, for example,reamins a difficult and costly task for animals, the vectors carrying the gene codingfor the proteins of interest are of unpredictable efficiency. Therefore, it is important toidentify foreign gene integration in genomose before transferring fertilized eggs toreceptors, in order to increase efficiency of producing transgenic animal. In thes paper,the constrict that mice whey acid protein (WAP) gene promotor directs G-CSF genewas used to microinject fertilized eggs of mice. Fertilized eggs containing foreign genewere measured by using PCR method. The results showed that 100%, 77.7% and44.4% retentions of foreign gene were achieved in 1, 2 and 8 cell-stage, respectively.Two part homologous recombination fragments were constructed and coinjected in tofertilized eggs of mice. PCR amplification fragment went beyond this homologousrecombination area. If foreign gene could not integrate in to genomose, the fragmentof PCR amplification could not be produced during embryo developmen. The resultsshowed that the rationes of foreign gene integrated in to genomoes in 1, 2 and 8cell-stage were 11.1%, 55.5% and 44.4%, respectively. This method might provide usa way to screen transgenic eggs when we use embryo section technique in farm animal.
Transgenic embryo, Homologous recombination, PCR