
理智 禁锢——解读《到十九号房间》的悲剧结局

Sense and confinement
摘要 小说《到十九号房间》讲述了一位现代知识女性自杀于一家小旅馆的十九号房间的悲剧故事。女主人公在迷失自我与寻找自我的矛盾中挣扎,最终以自杀的方式寻求彻底的解脱。她悲剧人生的内在原因是理智束缚下的女性内心世界的痛苦矛盾,造成女主人公人生悲剧的更深层次的社会根源是男性中心主义价值观。 The novel To Room Nineteen tells a tragic story about a modern intellectual woman who commits suicide in the room nineteen of a small hotel. The heroine Susan struggled with the dilemma of being ego-missing and ego-finding.At last she got extricated by kill herself. In this paper, the author analyzes the personal cause and the social cause that lead to the heroine' tragedy. The author points out the personal cause is women's painful ambivalent inner world that is fettered fiercely by their strong sense ,and the social cause is that the traditional value androcentrism hurts women wantonly.
作者 葛瑞峰
出处 《淮南师范学院学报》 2010年第1期71-73,共3页 Journal of Huainan Normal University
关键词 理智 禁锢 男性中心主义 悲剧 sense confinement androcentrism tragedy
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