
从美国金融危机看我国金融突发事件应对法制的完善 被引量:5

Study on the Construction of Chinese Legal System of Financial Emergency Management—From the View of American Financial Crisis
摘要 金融危机属于典型的金融突发事件。此次美国金融危机暴露了美国金融突发事件应对法制存在诸多缺陷,在金融突发事件预警法律制度、风险防控法律制度、应对协调制度、信息披露法律制度等方面均存在不同程度的漏洞。我国应借鉴美国应对法制的启迪与教训,完善金融突发事件应对法律制度。 Financial crisis is the typicial financial emergency. The American Financial Crisis indicates that there are still some shortcomings in American legal system on financial emergency management,such as the discord among legal system of emergency management,legal system of crisis prevention,asymmetry of information,and so on. China should enhance the construction of financial emergency management legal system,so as to meet the objectives of maintenance the financial stabilization.
作者 张立先
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期48-53,共6页 Legal Forum
关键词 金融突发事件应对法制 美国金融危机 金融监管 应急处置 legal system of financial emergency american financial crisis financial regulation emergency management.
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