
蒙古国矿产资源分布与中蒙两国合作开发前景论证 被引量:19

Distribution of Mineral Resources in Mongolia, China and Mongolia with the Development Prospects of Cooperation Between the two Countries Argued
摘要 习近平副主席于2008年6月访问蒙古国,并签署了《中蒙经贸合作中期发展纲要》,标志着两国经贸合作特别是矿产资源合作开发进入了新阶段。蒙古国是中国实施睦邻、富邻、安邻政策的主要对象,矿产资源合作开发又是两国经贸合作的重要领域,为此,有必要对其矿产资源分布情况、开发态势及两国合作开发利弊因素进行分析研究,有针对性地提出加大合作开发力度的对策创意。作者认定,中蒙两国合作开发矿产资源前景光明,必将为双方经贸合作的持久发展注入强劲动力。 Vice-President Xi Jinping in June 2008 signed during the visit to Mongolia, the "Sino-Mongolian economic and trade cooperation between the medi- um-term development program."It indicates that bilateral economic and trade cooperation, especially cooperation in mineral resources, has entered a new stage of development. As a result of the implementation of Mongolia is China's good-neighborly,and rich neighbors,the neighbors of the main targets of the policy,and the cooperative development of mineral resources is a Sino-Mongo- lian economic and trade cooperation between the two important areas of devel- opment,therefore, the two sides said that in the future development of mineral resources will be bilateral trade and economic cooperation as the focus of efforts to increase investment. To this end, it is necessary to scan from the overall distribution of mineral resources in Mongolia and the development of posture, further finds that China and Mongolia to develop mineral resources on favorable terms,and then Perspective of Sino-~ongolian cooperation in the de- velopment of mineral resources the two sides of the unfavorable factors,final- ly targeted to China and Mongolia to strengthen its efforts to develop innova- tive measures of mineral resources:The two sides should coordinate the implementation of the North West water transfer south to reconcile the water works to solve the problem of water shortage in the mining area;The two sides should be the development of large enterprises as the main operation of key projects to address the issue of investment risk;The two sides should work together to greatly broaden the financing channels to resolve the slow process of infras- tructure construction issues;The two sides should work to strengthen all-round friendly relations and cooperation to address joint development of mineral re- sources problems that may arise. The author finds that only in these way can effective cooperation between China and Mongolia to promote the development of mineral resources projects,and show a magnificent grand as a starting point in the original basis of economic and trade cooperation,and inject into a strong driving force for the economic and trade cooperation between the two sides for sustainable development,and develop a bright future together for cooperation between the two sides to develop mineral resources.
作者 李靖宇 雷杨
出处 《世界地理研究》 北大核心 2010年第1期138-146,共9页 World Regional Studies
关键词 蒙古国 矿产资源布局 中蒙矿产合作开发 前景论证 Mongolia:distribution of mineral resources:development of the Sino-Mongolian cooperation:prospects for demonstration
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