
基于形式概念分析的领域本体构建方法优化研究 被引量:4

Research on the Optimization of Domain Ontology Construction Method Based on FCA
摘要 针对基于形式概念分析(FCA)的领域本体构建方法的优化问题进行论述,解决优化的四个难点,应用并行开发的工程思想,采用"分而治之、映射集成"的具体手段,提出一种新的基于FCA的领域本体构建方法并建立"增量模型"。该方法将整个领域本体构建过程分解成核心本体和若干个并行开发的增量本体的构建过程,而后将核心本体和增量本体通过本体映射和本体集成的手段进行按需组合,最终得到用户所需领域本体。 In allusion to the optimization problems of domain ontology construction method based on FCA ,four core issues has been resolved. Using the project ideas of parallel development and adopting the specific approach of "divide and conquer, map and integra- tion", a new domain ontology construction method based on FCA was built together with its "incremental model". The new method bro- ken down the domain ontology construction process into the construction process of core ontology and several incremental ontology, and then assembled the core ontology and incremental ontology into the domain ontology which users needed on-demand through the ap- proach of ontology mapping and ontology integration.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期112-115,共4页 Library and Information Service
关键词 形式概念分析 领域本体构建方法 增量模型 FCA domain ontology construction method incremental model
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