
无线局域网自适应安全管理框架及其应用 被引量:3

An Adaptive Security Management Framework for Wireless Local Area Network and Its Application
摘要 针对无线局域网易受攻击、入侵等诸多安全问题,提出一种分布式无线局域网(WLAN)安全管理框架(ASMF),并基于该框架实现了自适应的安全管理系统(ASMS).ASMF框架依据协议分析和测试理论,即:应用主动分析法,通过构造、执行攻击测试用例,与待测协议进行交互,模拟WLAN漏洞的攻击行为,分析WLAN的防御能力;应用被动分析技术,通过实时的网络报文分析、网络性能监测和自适应调整监测策略进行综合的WLAN安全分析和安全管理.与已有的安全系统相比,ASMF不仅能够被动地检测攻击,而且可以主动地探测未知漏洞与威胁,同时根据网络配置自适应调整防御策略,其良好的扩展性使得用户可针对新型攻击的测试、检测和自定制管理策略进行自由扩展. An adaptive security manage framework (ASMF) for WLAN (wireless local area network) is presented to focus on security problems of of WLAN, based on which an adaptive security management system (ASMS) is built. The ASMF bases on the theory of protocol analyse and the theory of protocol testing. The active analysis method is applied to interact on the protocol by constructing the test case while the passive analysis method is applied to monitor the network data flow and the performance of WLAN. Hence, the ASMF can analyse the security of WLAN and manage the WLAN from integer. Compared with the existing security systems, the ASMF not only detects the attack passively, but also probes unknown threats. In addition the ASMF can ad-just the defensive strategy according the configure of the WLAN. The good expansibility of ASMF allows users to extend new attacking testing, new attack detecting and customizing man-agement strategy easily.
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期34-38,56,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60872009 60602016) 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2007AA01Z428 2009AA01Z148) 安徽省自然科学研究计划重大项目(ZD2008005-2 ZD200904 JK2009A013 JK2009A025)
关键词 无线局域网 安全管理系统 管理框架 wireless local area network security management system manage framework
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