

Audio-based digital multimedia content analysis and its visualization
摘要 为了对音视频内容进行更加有效地分析,将信息可视化方法引入数字媒体信息处理领域。设计并实现了集多媒体信号采集、大词表连续语音识别、文本检索和音频检索为一身的多媒体内容可视化分析平台,取得了较理想的效果,充实了信息可视化理论并对其具体应用进行了有益尝试。 To facilitate the content analysis of audio and video, information visualization methods are applied to digital multimedia processing. A multimedia content visualization analysis system is designed and constructed including multimedia signal collection, large vocabulary continuous speech recognition, text retrieval and audio retrieval, which is a supplement to the theory of information visualization and beneficial to its application. The experimental results are rather good.
出处 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2010年第2期100-105,共6页 Journal of Yanshan University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60772076) 语言语音教育部-微软重点实验室开放基金资助项目(HIT.KLOF.2009015)
关键词 数字媒体内容 信息可视化 语音识别 文本检索 音频检索 digital multimedia content information visualization speech recognition text retrieval audio retrieval
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