Experimental and application study on pressure-relieved gas drainage and extraction by surface boreholes was carried out in Huaibei Luling Coal Mine in order to shorten the construction period of gas drainage and extraction,decrease the cost of gas control and efficiently drain pressure-relieved gas from the upper protected coal seam. This paper described the technological principle of pressure-relieved gas drainage and extraction by surface boreholes and the basic structure of the holes. According to experiment results,the total drainage volume of pressure-relieved gas by surface boreholes was 2.484Mm3 for 10-mouth gas drainage and extraction,of which,the peak drainage volume lasted 4 mouths,with the drained gas concentration 60%~90% and the average drainage volume of 10.6 m3/min. While other drainage methods were applied,the pressure-relieved gas drainage rate from the middle group coal seams reached 70.6%,the residual gas content decreased to 5.2m3/t and the pressure of the residual gas decreased to 0.53MPa,this thus eliminated the outburst risk of the middle group coal seams. Finally,the influence factors of pressure-relieved gas drainage by surface boreholes were analyzed.
Mining Safety & Environmental Protection