本文通过对新疆地区含油气规律的认识,认为其油气聚集与断裂带关系密切,指出塔里木盆地玛扎塔克断裂带是有利于油气聚集的含油气区带,对吐鲁番盆地火焰山的深层隆起提出三步走的勘探方法。在渤海湾地区,作者认为曙光应在海上。 文中提出了今后深化地震勘探工作的若干建议,强调沿海地区要抓好高分辨率地震勘探;在新区勘探方面,地震、地质条件将愈来愈复杂,野外采集与室内处理工作的难度也越来越大,因此必须依靠技术进步才能适应新的形势。目前地震资料处理是一个薄弱的环节,关键在于提高人员的技术素质。
In this paper, author elucidates the knowledge of hydrocarbon accumulation regularity in Xinjiang Province. Oil & gas accumulation is closely related to deep faulted zone. He point out that whole Mazatak faulted zone in Tarim Basin might be a zone favorable for oil and gas accumulation. In Turpan Basin, author has proposed a three-step exploration scheme to clarify the deep uplift under Huoyanshan Mountain. About Bohai Bay, author believes the dawn of oil exploration will be in offshore region. Author has raised several proposals to deepen the seismic exploration in the future. He emphasizes that the 3D high resolution seismic survey should be carried forward along the coastal region. Due to the more and more difficult seismic and geological conditions encountered in new front area, data acquisition and processing are becoming more and more difficult. Therefore, seismic survey must rely on Scientific progress to adapt the new situation. He stresses that data processing is a weak link at present, and raising the qualification of processing personnel is an urgent task in China.