
致使运动事件“把”字句构式的句法语义 被引量:4

Syntax and Semantics of the Ba Construction Denoting Caused Motion Events
摘要 无论是英语致使运动事件构式,还是表达致使运动事件的汉语"把"字句,都反映了一个事实:寄寓在这些构式中的运动事件是因为构式各构成成分的协同作用才具有语言上的实现。为了分析"把"字的构式意义,本文选择了有界和有定这两个重要的句法语义范畴,比较了表达运动事件的"把"字句与对应的英语表达,发现"把"字句表现出更高程度的有界显性和有定显性,这个结果可以视为汉语属于限界语言的一个证明。 Both the caused motion constructions in English and the Ba construction involving caused motion in Chinese point to the fact that motion events embedded in these constructions are linguistically realized by the concerted efforts of all the elements in denoting a movement through physical space. To analyze how constructional the Ba construction is, a comparison is made between the Ba construction expressions representing motion events and their equivalent expressions in English mainly in terms of felicity and definiteness. The results show that, as a prototypical result construction, the Ba construction is prominently telic and definite, featuring Chinese as a delimitation language.
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期106-109,共4页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 致使运动事件 “把”字句 有界 有定 caused motion events, the Ba construction, telicity, definiteness
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