In 1970s,in order to free itself from the Vietnam War and the disadvantageous position in the confront with the Soviet Russia,the United States began withdraw globally.With respect to the northeast Asia,it addressed a proposal of cross recognition of two Koreas to lighten its burden to Japan and South Korea.The core of the proposal was to try for a situation in which China and Soviet recognized South Korea and the United States and Japan gave a diplomatic recognition to North Korea.The essence of the cross recognition is the bloc diplomacy under the background of cold war.According to the development of international situation and the change of the attitude to the Koreas of concerned countries,the cross recognition can be divided into three periods: the period when the South Triangle Bloc confronted with the North Triangle Bloc,the period when the North Triangle Bloc disunited,and the period of post cross recognition.Basically,the failure of cross is due to the global strategy and the strategic interest in northeast Asia of the United States.Presently,in view of the dispute over whether North Korea should abandon its nuclear program first or the United States should normalize the relationship with North Korea first,the cross recognition by which to urge the United States to recognize North Korea and give North Korea security sense might not be an choice to settle the issue of Korean Peninsula.
Journal of Liaodong University:Social Science Edition
cross recognition
South Triangle Bloc
North Triangle Bloc
the Bloc Diplomacy