
导向矢量不确定集约束的稳健Capon波束形成算法 被引量:5

Robust Capon beamforming algorithm under the steering vector uncertainty set
摘要 针对Capon波束形成算法在导向矢量不确定集约束下的求解问题,提出了新的求解方法.通过对稳健算法最优化问题的特点和求解过程进行分析,给出了新的求解结果,不仅使不确定集约束参数的选择更加简单,同时使波束形成算法的性能改善达到最优.而且得出了负加载可以获得最优的性能改善,而约束参数选择得越大,波束形成算法的性能越接近于最优,而零解可以通过合理选择约束参数进行有效地避免.最后的仿真分析验证了理论分析的正确性和算法的有效性. For the problem of solving the Capon beamforming algorithm under the steering vector uncertainty set,a novel method is proposed.By analyzing the characteristic of the robust optimization problem and its solving process deeply,the new solution is given,and the selection of the uncertainty constraint parameter becomes simpler,moreover,the improvement performance of the beamforming algorithm can reach the optimum.And the conclusion is drawn that the negative loading can obtain the optimal improvement performance,and the larger the selected constraint parameter,the closer to the optimum the performance of the beamforming algorithm will be.Furthermore,the zero solution can be effectively avoided by the rational selection of the constraint parameter.The final simulation attests its correctness and effectiveness.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期197-203,共7页 Journal of Xidian University
基金 国家杰出青年基金资助项目(60825104) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60736009) 博士后基金资助项目(20090451251) 陕西省工业攻关资助项目(2009K08-31)
关键词 自适应波束形成 Capon波束形成器 不确定集约束 负对角加载 adaptive beamforming Capon beamformer uncertainty set constraint negative diagonal loading
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