
一种用于实时业务的无缝切换方案 被引量:4

Seamless handover scheme for real time traffic
摘要 为改善实时业务无缝切换的性能,对移动IPv6(MIPv6)及其增强机制进行了研究,提出了一种集成MIPv6、快速移动IPv6(FMIPv6)、分层移动IPv6(HMIPv6)、缓存管理、链路层触发器(L2T)、双播机制的混合式无缝切换方案(IMIPv6).简述了IMIPv6原型系统及其测试结果.用NS-2软件仿真并分析了MIPv6、FMIPv6、HMIPv6和IMIPv6的切换时延、分组丢失和切换信令负载.结果表明,IMIPv6和FMIPv6的丢包最少,IMIPv6的切换时延最低,但IMIPv6的信令负载最大.IMIPv6在切换的快速性和平滑性方面的性能优于MIPv6、FMIPv6和HMIPv6,适合用于实时业务的无缝切换. To improve the handover performance of real time traffic,Mobile IPv6(MIPv6) and its enhancement mechanisms are studied.A new hybrid seamless handover scheme called IMIPv6(Integrated MIPv6) is proposed,which integrates MIPv6,Fast Handovers for MIPv6(FMIPv6),Hierarchical Mobile IPv6(HMIPv6),buffer management,Link-layer Trigger(L2T) and bi-casting mechanisms.The IMIPv6 prototype and its test results are described.The handover delay,packet loss and handover signaling load of MIPv6,FMIPv6,HMIPv6 and IMIPv6 are simulated and analyzed with NS-2.The results show that IMIPv6 and FMIPv6 have the least packet loss and that IMIPv6 has the lowest handover delay and the biggest signaling load.IMIPv6 has advantages over MIPv6,FMIPv6 and HMIPv6 in handover speediness and smoothness,and thus is suitable for seamless handover of real time traffic.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期359-365,共7页 Journal of Xidian University
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划"863"资助项目(2006AA01Z232 2009AA01Z212 200901Z202) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2007603) 江苏省高技术研究计划资助项目(BG2007045) 南京邮电大学攀登计划资助项目(NY2007044)
关键词 移动计算 IMIPv6 无缝切换 时延 丢失率 信令负载 mobile computing integrated MIPv6 seamless handover latency loss rate signaling load
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