
SOC软硬件协同仿效系统的通讯协议设计 被引量:1

Communication Protocol for SOC HW/SW Co-Emulation System
摘要 通过对EDA软件仿真器与硬件加速平台的数据传输和信息交换方式的研究,提出并实现了SOC软硬件协同仿效系统的通讯协议。该协议实现了逻辑通道复用技术及端口号寻址的数据传输功能。对基于该协议的SOC软硬件协同仿效系统进行测试试验,结果表明,该协议实现了EDA软件仿真器与硬件加速平台之间数据实时、准确的交换,达到了EDA软件仿真器与硬件加速平台协同仿效的目的。 An extensive communication protocol for SCE-MI was implemented based on time division multiplexing access (TDMA) scheme and port addressing approach. The self-defined communication protocol was tested in SOC HW/SW co-simulation system, where a data packet was transmitted from software side to hardware side. In the hardware side, the data packet ean be read after unpacking and compared with the sent data packet in software side. Experiment result demonstrated that the self-defined communication protocol could work efficiently and in real time.
出处 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期177-181,共5页 Microelectronics
关键词 软件仿真器 硬件加速平台 软硬件协同仿效 SOC 通讯协议 Software simulator Hardware acceleration platform HW/SW co-emulation SOC Communication protocol
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