
基于区位选择的中国工业生产企业空间集聚研究 被引量:7

Study on spatial agglomeration of China's insdustrial production enterprises based on location choice
摘要 利用两区域两企业的区位选址模型分析企业生产成本、产品运输成本和需求市场规模对企业区位选择行为的影响机理,为产业空间集聚提供微观经济学解释。两企业博弈的结果是在区域间产品运输成本较低、区域需求市场规模差异大和区域间生产成本差异高时,两企业会在同一选址形成空间集聚。中国的产业集聚实践经验证实了结论的合理性。 Using a two-region and two-firms model of location choice to analyze mechanism that how production cost,transit cost and demand market scale effect firm's location choice.The mechanism supplies industrial agglomeration with a micro-economic explanation.Two-firms game shows that more lower transition cost,more larger different demand market scale of two regions and more higher production cost cause two firms choice the same region location.Chinese industrial agglomeration supplies this conclusion with reasonable evidence.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期549-557,534,共10页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 产业集聚 企业选址 古诺竞争 中国实证 industrial agglomeration firm's location Cournot competition a case of china
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