
啤酒糟蛋白提取模型的建立 被引量:7

Model of extraction of brewer's spent grain protein
摘要 为了更好地利用啤酒糟中含有的蛋白成分,研究了不同提取条件对糟蛋白提取率的影响,并利用二次多项式回归的方法建立了啤酒糟蛋白提取率与提取条件之间关系的数学模型,并探讨了因素相互间的影响和产生的原因。结果表明:利用岭脊分析的方法得到较佳的提取条件为pH 10.5,液料比15.0∶1,45.7℃提取59.9min。通过方差分析和判定系数检验,证明该模型拟合度较好。 The purpose of this study is to better use protein in brewer's spent grain. The effect of different extraction conditions on the extraction rate was studied. The model of the extraction ratio with the conditions of brewer's spent grain protein was constructed with quadratic polynomial regression. Response surfaces were mapped, and the effects of factors and the reasons were discussed. The results showed that the optimal conditions of extraction were as follows: pH at 10.5, with liquid-solid ratio of 15.0, at 45.7 ℃ for 59.9 min which were gained with ridge analysis. The model had better fitting degree and practical significance, which were proved by analysis of variance and coefficient of determination.
出处 《中国酿造》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期104-106,共3页 China Brewing
关键词 试验设计 数学模型 二次多项式回归 响应面 岭脊分析 experimental design mathematical model quadratic polynomial regression response surfaces ridge analysis
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