
时间情景模型提取过程的实质初探:激活与抑制 被引量:2

The Preliminary Study on the Nature of the Retrieval Process of Temporal Situation Models: Activation and Inhibition
摘要 采用扇效应技术和负启动实验范式探讨时间情景模型提取过程的实质。实验材料为18个"某人在某时间做某事"的句子,结果发现,实验条件下目标句的反应时显著长于控制条件下目标句的反应时,而两种条件下启动句的反应时无显著差异,出现了显著的负启动效应。这表明,在时间情景模型提取过程中,不仅激活了目标情景模型和与之相关的情景模型,而且对同时激活的相关的情景模型进行了抑制,支持长时记忆提取的抑制观。 This study used the retrieval interference methodology and negative priming paradigm to explore the specific mechanisms that are involved in the process of the retrieval of temporal situation modes. The cohort was 28 students from South China Normal University. The experimental material was 18 sentences in the form of "somebody does a certain kind of sport at an exact time". The sentences were divided into two kinds, i.e., the same time and the different time condition, and each condition had one to three fan levels. For each experimental condition there was also a control condition. When compared the reaction time of sentences from different fan levels, significant Fan effect was found under the different time condition, while there was no Fan effect under the same time condition. This was consistent with the previous results. The retrieval process analysis shows that the reaction time of the target sentences under experimental condition was significantly shorter than that of the control condition, suggesting that there was a significant negative priming effect. This indicated that a suppression mechanism was involved during the retrieval process. To further explore this idea about the relationship between negative priming and Fan effect, the data from these two conditions were submitted to a correlation analysis. The two variables were significantly negatively correlated, and the negative priming effect was larger when there were one irrelevant model rather two. The number of models that needed to be suppressed on the prime trial had an influence on the degree of inhibition on the target trial. All the results indicated that during the retrieval process of temporal situation models, both activation and inhibition were involved rather than only activation. The results supported the inhibition views about long-term memory retrieval. But up to now, an appropriate way had not been found to exclude the possibility of other explanations for the negative priming effect. Therefore, it is needed to further explore the nature of the retrieval process of temporal situation models.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期467-473,共7页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家社会科学基金"十一五"规划课题(BBA080162) 2007年广东省普通高校人文社科重点研究基地创新团队项目(07JDTDXMXLX01) 2006年广东省哲学社会科学研究项目(06XY004)
关键词 时间情景模型 扇效应 抑制 激活 temporal situation model Fan effect inhibition activation
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