
数字签名方案的同底构造攻击 被引量:2

Identical base construction attack on digital signature scheme
摘要 在数字签名中,由于签名因子或整个签名方案设计的不合理,使得攻击者很容易通过将签名验证等式进行变形,将其转换成一个同底的等式,并通过指数的相等伪造出签名数据。针对此问题,提出同底构造攻击的概念,并明确指出,在进行数字签名设计时,必须回避这种现象。通过实例说明了这些例子中签名协议设计的不安全性,并给出一些通用方法说明如何对这些签名方案进行改进。 This paper studied many digital signature schemes and had found them insecure because of the irrationality of these signature factors or the whole signature scheme,which made the attackers be able to transform the signature verification equation into a equation with the same base number and easily forge signature datum through the equation of the two exponents.The paper proposed a new concept:the attack based on identical base construction,and explicitly indicated that defects could be avoided in designing digital signature.Meanwhile,four examples were given to illustrate the insecurity in signature designing.Finally,some general ways to improve these signature schemes were provided
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期1042-1044,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 同底构造 代理签名 群签名 盲签名 公钥 identical base construction proxy signature group signature blind signature public key
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