
初中留守儿童的安全感、行为问题及其关系的研究 被引量:37

On Psychological Security and Behavioral Problems of Left-behind Junior High School Children and Their Relationship
摘要 【目的】探讨初中留守儿童安全感与行为问题的特点以及两者之间的关系。【方法】采用修订后的马斯洛安全感-不安全感量表和Rutter儿童行为问卷对98名初中留守儿童和115名对照组儿童进行测查。【结果】(1)初中留守儿童的情绪安全感、安全感总分显著低于对照组儿童;初中留守儿童的神经症行为与行为问题总分显著高于对照组儿童。(2)在初中留守儿童中,一年级的人际安全感显著低于二、三年级,男生的A行为显著高于女生,而女生的N行为显著高于男生。(3)监护类型、监护人在别人面前对孩子的负面评价是留守儿童行为问题的危险因素;亲子分离时间是初中留守儿童安全感的危险因素。(4)人际安全感对于初中留守儿童的A行为具有显著的负向预测作用,情绪安全感则对N行为和行为总分具有显著的负向预测作用。【结论】(1)初中留守儿童的情绪安全感相对较低,N行为等内隐行为问题突出;(2)初中留守儿童的安全感是行为问题的一个重要预测变量。 This article is intended to probe into the characteristics of and the relationship between both the psychological security and the behavioral problems arising from left-behind junior high school children. A total of 98 left-behind children and 115 non-left-behind children in junior high schools are respectively tested by using the revised edition of the Maslow Security-Insecurity Questionnaire and the Rutter Child Behavior Scale. The findings indicate the following: (1) The emotional security from left behind junior high school children scores significantly lower than that from the control-group children, while the neurotic behavior and behavioral problems from left behind junior high school children score much higher than those from the control-group children. (2) As far as the left behind junior high school children are concerned, the interpersonal security from the first year children scores significantly lower than that from the second year and third-year children; the boys display more antisocial behavior than the girls, who exhibit more neurotic behavior than the boys. (3) The type of guardianship and the guardian's negative assessment of the left-behind children in the presence of others are the risk factors for the behavioral problems of left-behind children, while the time of parent-child separation remains a hazard of their psychological security. (4) Interpersonal security is a significantly negative predictor of antisocial behavior of left behind children in junior high schools, while the emotional security is a significantly negative predictor of their neurotic behavior and total scores of behavior. The conclusions drawn are as follows: (1) Compared with non-left-behind children in junior high schools, left-behind children show a lower level of emotional security and have more internalized behavioral problems, such as neurotic behavior. (2) Psychological security of left-behind children in junior high schools is an important predictive variable for their behavioral problems.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期82-87,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 湖南省教育科学"十一五"规划重点课题"农村留守儿童安全感发展特点与安全教育研究"成果之一 项目编号:XJK06AJJ034
关键词 安全感 行为问题 留守儿童 psychological security behavioral problem left behind children
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