在市场竞争中,如何利用有限的资源,通过合理的安排和调度,尽可能降低成本是一个十分重要的问题。文中通过分析地理信息系统GIS(Geographic Information System),在此基础上应用最短距离算法——Dijkstra算法求解最优路径,用JVAV语言编程实现,并将这一部分作为新型车辆运输调度系统——智能运输系统的一个底层子模块。系统开发基于Oracle及GIS系统软件,全面支持物流企业多种运输模式的运行要求,客户可以方便地通过车载终端或者手机访问系统所运行的服务器。
How to use the limited resources,and to reduce the costs through reasonable arrangement and scheduling has become an important problem in marketing competition.By analyzing GIS (Geographic Information System),using its dynamic database,applying Dijkstra algorithm,and with JVAV programming,a new transport vehicles scheduling system is realized.The system is based on Oracle and GIS,and supports multi-mode transport requirement of the logistics business.And the system runs on the Internet Web server,thus the customers could easily get access to it by vehicle or mobile terminals.
Communications Technology