
论提单物权性——以提单属性上的物权与债权之争为切入点 被引量:2

Bill of Lading as Document of Title——By analyzing the controversy between obligationenrechte and sachenrechte in defining the function of B/L
摘要 作为物权凭证,是指提单能代表货物本身的性质。但提单是物权凭证这一几近共识性的观点,近年来却有学者提出质疑与否定,以此为契机对提单物权凭证功能再予思考,从债权与物权的划分中论证提单是物权凭证的观点。意在体现海商法与民法之融通,以期对凭单交货、无单放货回归到提单权属上的研习有所意义。 As a document of title, bill of lading presents the cargo. However, the almost common sense that bill of lading as a document of title manifests the real rights of the cargo is queried and denied by some scholars in recent years. The author re-ponders on this problem and makes the conclusion that bill of lading manifests the real rights of cargo by analyzing the controversy between obligationenrechte ( rights derived from Obligation) and sachenrechte (real rights) in defining the function of bill of lading. The purpose of this paper is to expand the paths of thinking to demonstrate the real-rights function of the bill of lading with the hope of making some significance on the research of the issues on the delivery of cargo without producing bill of lading.
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期121-126,共6页 Hebei Law Science
关键词 提单 物权凭证 债权属性 bill of lading document of title real property
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