The Environmental Kuznets Curve is a classic hypothesis in environmental economics, but in most papersit is assumed that emissions are unaffected by events in neighboring states. This paper tests the Environmental Kuznets Curve models based on pollutants from daily living by use of spatial econometric approaches and Chinese panel data set of yearly observations covering 30 provinces and the time period 1998- 2007. The results show that spatial dependenoe in pollution emission data of daily living is not significant. At the same time, it is found that an inverted- U-shaped curve exists between per capita waste water emissions/sulfur dioxide emissions/COD emissions of waster water from daily living and per capita C-DP, and inverted- N- shaped relationships are founded between per capita dust emissions of daily living and per capita GDP, which means economic growth in China is compatible with environmental improvement as far as pollutants from daily living is concemed.
Journal of Statistics and Information