
一个糖尿病家系中肾虚证的分布特征及其基因表达谱研究 被引量:3

Distribution Characteristics and Gene Expression Profile of Kidney Deficiency Pattern in a Diabetes Mellitus Pedigree
摘要 目的:分析肾虚证在一个糖尿病家系中的分布特征及其差异基因表达谱。方法:对一个2型糖尿病(T2DM)家系的12个成员进行辨证分析和理化检测,选择不同代的典型糖尿病肾虚证3例分别与家系中的正常人1例作基因芯片杂交测试;采用SAM基因芯片数据分析软件筛选差异表达基因作进一步的基因功能分析。结果:肾虚证患者占总家系中追踪到成员的66.7%;通过SAM软件筛选到81个显著表达基因,基因功能注释结果提示免疫反应、糖代谢和氨基酸代谢类基因显著表达。结论:肾虚证在此T2DM家系中呈聚集分布;糖尿病肾虚证与免疫反应及代谢功能类基因的异常表达密切相关。 Objectives:To reveal the distribution characteristics and gene expression profile of kidney deficiency pattern in a T2DM pedigree members.Methods:12 members in T2DM pedigree were closed to make routine physical chemical tests and 3 typical T2DM patients with kidney deficiency and 1 healthy member in the pedigree were selected to subjects of cDNA microarray test.The significantly expressed genes were screened through Significance Analysis of Microarray(SAM)for further functionally annotated.Results:patients with kidney deficiency pattern took up 66.7% of the total investigated family members.81 significantly expressed genes were screened.GO and PATH WAY annotation results of these genes showed that immune and metabolism-related genes and pathways significantly expressed.Conclusions:Distribution of kidney deficiency kidney deficiency pattern showed a familial aggregation trend in T2DM pedigree.The key pathogenesis of T2DM with kidney deficiency pattern is possibly related to immune-genetic disorders.
出处 《四川中医》 2010年第4期23-26,共4页 Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(NO:90709053)
关键词 糖尿病 肾虚证 基因表达谱 家系 Diabetes mellitus kidney deficiency pedigree gene expression profile
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