
柳州市不同性取向MSM性行为学特征分析 被引量:4

HIV Related Risk Sexual Behavior Among Men Having Sex With Men With Different Sex Orientation in Liuzhou
摘要 目的了解比较柳州市男同性恋或双性恋者性行为学特征,为HIV知识宣传及行为干预提供理论依据。方法于2008-10/12依托同性恋活动场所和志愿者组织通过网络宣传、朋友相互介绍、外展干预宣传等方式招募被调查对象,采用匿名面对面询问方式进行问卷调查,对其中男同性恋和男双性恋者的性行为进行比较分析。结果共调查300人,其中59.0%、39.0%分别自我认同为同性恋或双性恋者。男同性恋与男双性恋者中,20~29岁组分别占52.6%、38.5%;在婚比例分别为17.0%、49.6%(P均<0.01)。同性恋者首次性行为是男性性伴的比例(69.5%)高于双性恋者(28.2%),与男性首次性行为的年龄(25.8岁)低于双性恋者(30.2岁)。最近6个月同性恋者与男性肛交的比例(89.3%)高于双性恋者(88.8%)(P>0.05);且肛交时每次都用安全套的比例均较低,分别为(P>0.05)。最近6个月同性恋、双性恋者与女性发生性行为的比例分别为26.0%、53.8%(P<0.01);且与女性发生性行为时每次都用安全套的比例均很低。结论男双性恋者有较高比例的在婚率和异性性行为,男同性恋者与男性发生性行为的比例更高,且两者的多性伴、无保护性肛交的频率很高,应加强对该人群的监测和综合干预。 Objective To investigate sexual risk behavior of HIV among men having sex with men (MSM) with different sex orientation in Liuzhou and provide evidence for the intervention among MSM. Methods MSM were recruited by using snowballing method and the aid of volunteer network from September to December, 2008, and the face-to-face questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information about their homosexual and bisexual behaviors. Results Among the 300 subjects, the MSM self-identified as homosexual accounted for 59.0% and those self-identified as bisexual accounted for 39.0%, their proportions in 20-29 age group accounted for 52.6% and 38.5% respectively and the married proportion accounted for 17.0% and 49.6% (P〈0.01). The proportion to have male partners at the first sex among the homosexual men (69.5%) was higher than among the bisexual men (28.2%). The age of the homosexual men at the first sex with men (25.8 years) was lower than that of the bisexual men (30.2 years). The proportion to have sex with men in the latest 6 months was higher among the homosexual men (89.3%) than among the bisexual men (88.8%) (P〉0.05), but the usage rates of condom were low in both groups. The proportions to have sex with female in both groups were 26.0% and 53.8% respectively (P〈0.01), and the usage rates of condom were low too. Conclusion The proportions to be married and have heterosexual experience were higher among the bisexual men, but the proportion to have sex with men was higher among the homosexual men. Multi partner and unprotected sex was common in both groups. It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance and comprehensive intervention among this population.
作者 白玉 俸卫东
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2010年第4期250-253,共4页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
基金 中国男男同性性行为人群艾滋病综合监测项目(2008-2009年)
关键词 性取向 MSM 性行为 Sexual orientation Men having sex withmen Sex behavior
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