端到端的服务质量(QoS)问题是Ad Hoc网络当前面临的挑战之一。本文提出了一种改进的AODV路由协议IAODV。IAODV在原始AODV的基础上增加了资源预留、最小开销路由、后备路径机制,提高了网络中QoS路由建立的概率、延长了整个网络的寿命、减小数据传输中平均端到端延时。仿真结果表明该协议优于原始的AODV路由协议。
The end-to-end Quality of Service is one of the major challenges faced by designers of ad hoc net- works. In this paper we presents an improved routing protocol IAODV which is based on the classic AODV. We add the conception of resource reservation, the minimum cost rout and the backup rout to the classic AODV, which increases the probability of the foundation of a QoS rout, extends the lifetime of the network and decreases the average end - to - end delay. The simulation results of the IAODV show that our routing protocol is better than the classic AODV.
Guizhou Science