
城市化对绿地植物组成特征的影响——以深圳为例 被引量:10

Influence of urbanization on the characters of plants composition in urban greenspace in Shenzhen,China
摘要 随着对保护生物多样性与消除城市化过程不利影响的日益重视,城市森林结构功能和发展变化已经引起广泛关注。本文基于对深圳特区城市森林详细大量的样方调查,对城市森林植物科属种的成分和地理分布进行了研究。结果表明特区共有植物106科289属445种;其中大戟科、棕榈科、桑科、樟科、桃金娘科、蝶形花科、茜草科、山茶科、禾本科、含羞草科和木兰科11科的属种数占多数,共占101属182种,占总属数的34.95%和总种数的40.9%;在289属中,种数最多的是榕属(18种),其次是冬青属(9种),木槿属(6种),蒲桃属(6种)和润楠属(6种),共占总属数的1.73%,总种数的10.11%。特区种子植物可划分为13个分布区类型和14个变型。深圳特区城市森林中的热带成分共有220属,357种,分别占特区植物区系地理成分的80%和83.2%,可以看出,特区较发达的经济水平和快速城市化过程并没有改变其强烈的热带性质。城市森林作为城市生态系统中具有自净功能的重要组分受到了城市化的强烈干扰,不仅表现在景观水平上的生境破碎化,更重要的是在小尺度的物种组成结构中有明显反映,为生物多样性保护和城市森林后期更新与维护带来问题。 With the biodiversity conservation and the elimination adverse effects of urbanization, the structure and changes of urban forest have attracted wide attention. Base on a large number of plots detailed investigations, this paper study plant flora of urban forest in Shenzhen SEZ. The results show that seed plant divided 13 types and 14subtypes in Shenzhen SEZ. Tropical components are totally comprised of 220 genuses (80%), 357species (83.2%), which displayed strongly tropical feature. Euphobiaceae, Arecaceae, Moraceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae, Papilionaceae, Rubiaceae, Theaceae, Gramineae, Mimosaceae and Magnoliaceae are dominant, which occupied 108 genuses (34.59%) and 182 species (40.9%). Ficus occupied the highest species (18 species), following is Ilex(9 species), Hibiscus(6 species), Syzygiurn(6 species)and Machilus(6 species), which account for 1.73% in total genus and 10.11% in total species. Seed plant divided 13 types and 14 subtypes in Shenzhen SEZ. Tropical components are totally comprised of 220 genuses (80%), 357 species(83.2%), which displayed strongly tropical feature. Urban vegetation is important self-cleaning component in urban system, which was strongly affected by urbanization, not only habitat fragmentation and changing land cover/land use but species composition. Different vegetation structure in different land use type result from human disturbance in small scale.
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期615-620,共6页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40901277) 教育部新教师基金项目(20090146120026) 华中农业大学博士启动基金项目(52204-07095)
关键词 城市森林 深圳特区 植物区系 urban forest Shenzhen SEZ plant flora
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