对20例不可切除胰腺癌病人进行了区域动脉灌注化疗,采用经胃网膜右动脉置管至胃十二指肠动脉或胰十二指肠上动脉DDS泵植入术。经泵注入5—Fu 500mg、丝裂霉素C 8mg、卡铂100mg,每2周1次。29例中6例呈部分反应,占20.1%,15例呈稳定期,占51.7%,8例呈进展期,占28.2%,平均生存期9个月。结论,我们认为区域动脉灌注化疗治疗不可切除胰腺癌,具有改善病人生活质量、延长病人生存期的疗效。
Twenty-nine patients with unresectable pancreatic carcinoma were treated with regional in-tra-arterial chemotherapy. A drug delivery system was placed into the gastroduodenal artery through the right gastroepiploic artery. Through the system, Mitomycin C, 5-Fu and Carboplation were infused once two weeks. Six patients had a partial response (20. 1%), fifteen had stable disease (51. 7%) and eight had progression (28. 2%). The median survival for patients with unresectable pancreatic carcinoma is 9 months. We consider that the method of intra-arterial chemotherapy is useful not only for the prolongation of patient survival but also for improving the quality of life.
Pancreatic carcinoma Regional chemotherapy