

Determination of Soluble Ions in Atmospheric Aerosol by FTIR
摘要 将FTIR光谱学方法用于检测大气气溶胶成分,并用此方法分析了大气气溶胶中主要的可溶性离子(SO42-,NO3-,NH4+),给出了它们相应的吸收谱带,验证了这种方法是一种快速、便捷、可靠的气溶胶成分分析方法。 In this study,Fourier Transform Infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy is applied for the study of regional background atmospheric aerosol.The technique was used for the investigation of water extracts of the aerosol samples.The absorption frequencies of the soluble ions in aerosol are obtained.The results can confirm and complete the results of the other analytical methods corresponding to the chemical composition of the atmospheric aerosol.
出处 《河南机电高等专科学校学报》 CAS 2010年第1期15-17,共3页 Journal of Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College
关键词 大气气溶胶 FTIR光谱 可溶性离子 Atmospheric aerosol FTIR spectroscopy soluble ion
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