
唐山市122辆小汽车车厢内甲醛污染状况调查 被引量:3

Investigation on Air Pollution of 122 Car Compartments by Formaldehyde in Tangshan
摘要 目的了解唐山市部分小汽车车厢内甲醛污染状况,为制定相应的防治对策提供依据。方法在唐山市市区选择使用不同年限的122辆小汽车,使用甲醛分析仪测定车内空气中的甲醛质量浓度,同时通过问卷调查获得车型、车龄等基本情况。结果车内空气甲醛的几何均数为0.098mg/m3,95%的可信区间为0.088~0.108mg/m3,参照国家《室内空气质量标准》GB/T18883-2002规定的甲醛浓度0.10mg/m3,58.2%的被调查车辆存在着不同程度的车厢内甲醛污染。车内甲醛污染主要存在于车龄在1年之内,半年之内的甲醛质量浓度最高。车辆档次、开窗习惯、有无使用吸附剂以及座椅材质在本次研究中未显示对车内甲醛浓度产生影响。结论唐山市小汽车车内甲醛污染严重,普遍超标。甲醛污染与车龄有关。 Objective To survey the status of air formaldehyde in 122 car compartments in Tangshan,and to provide the evidence for making corresponding countermeasures for prevention and control of the pollution.Methods One hundred and twenty-two cars with different grades and different service years were selected in the urban areas of Tangshan,and the concentration of formaldehyde in the car compartments was determined with the formaldehyde analyzer.At the same time the basic situation of the cars,including car model and years of manufacture was investigated with the questionnaire.Results The geometry of formaldehyde concentration of air inside the cars was 0.098 mg/m3,with a 95 confidence interval of 0.088~0.108 mg/m3.About 58.2% of the tested cars had formaldehyde concentration exceeding the national standard of indoor air quality (GB/T18883-2002) (0.10 mg/m3).The air pollution of formaldehyde inside cars was most prevalent in the cars at the age of the vehicle within 1 year.The concentration of formaldehyde was the highest within six months.The factors,including vehicle level,the habit of opening window,the use of adsorbents and material of seat did not have an impact on the concentration of formaldehyde inside the cars.Conclusions There is severe formaldehyde pollution inside the cars in Tangshan,and the over standard rate is higher.The concentration of formaldehyde in the car compartment is associated with vehicle age.
出处 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2010年第4期702-704,共3页 Practical Preventive Medicine
关键词 空气污染 汽车 甲醛 Air pollution Car Formaldehyde
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