
雄犬功能尿道重建预防前列腺癌根治术后尿失禁的研究 被引量:3

Research of reconstruction of functional urethra in preventing urinary incontinence after radical prostatecomy in male dogs
摘要 目的探索预防前列腺根治术后尿失禁的新方法及其尿动力学依据。方法20条雄犬随机分成两组,A组切除前列腺及远端2.0cm后尿道,B组切除前列腺及远端2 cm后尿道,用宽度为正常尿道周径,长度为1 cm膀胱前壁带蒂肌管代替功能尿道,术前及术后1月行尿动力学检查,并观察雄犬尿失禁情况。结果术后尿动力学指标及尿控率B组明显优于A组。结论膀胱前壁带蒂肌管功能尿道重建术是预防前列腺根治术后尿失禁可供选择的方法。 Objective To explore a new method of urinary incontinence prevention and its urodynamic evidences after radical prostatectomy(RP).Methods Twenty male dogs were divided into two groups at random.Group A received resection of prostate and posterior urethra(2.0 cm in length).Group B received reconstruction of pedicle myotube(1.0 cm in length) using anterior bladder flap after resection of prostate and posterior urethra.Urodynamic indexes and continence rate were analyzed before and after operation.Results Significant differences in the urodynamic indexes and the continence rate existed after operation between the two groups.Group B gained a better outcome than group A.Conclusion Reconstruction of functional urethra using anterior bladder flap pedicle myotube is a good choice to treat urinary incontinence after RP.
出处 《临床军医杂志》 CAS 2010年第2期163-165,共3页 Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
基金 全军"十五"医药卫生科研基金(2005)
关键词 功能尿道 尿失禁 尿动力学 雄犬 functional urethral urinary incontinence urodynamics male dog
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