
智能电网:改造电力系统(英文) 被引量:15

Smart Grid: Transforming the Electric System
摘要 本世纪伊始,美国能源部组建了一个工作组,专门研发为分布式能源提供通信和控制技术的工作方案。这一步骤以及后续的企业界、学术界和其他研究机构的工作,形成了今天被称作"智能电网"的概念和形象,一个交互式、具有适应性的电力系统正在出现。由于得到2009年预算重大国家投资的支持,美国能源部、其下属的国家实验室和企业界合作者,目前正在智能电网的研发、示范工程和研究工作中作出重大的努力。在这些重大的努力中,有一点是值得强调的,他们努力确保在向智能电网转变中所采取的各种步骤,都能保持着一个可靠运行的电力系统为经济和社会服务。本文介绍了智能电网的概念,综述与现时智能电网相关努力的现状,并阐述智能电网的优越性。 In the early part of this millennium, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored a workshop to develop a roadmap on communication and control technologies for distributed energy resources. From this and subsequent activities with industry, academia, and other research institutions, the concepts and vision of an interactive and adaptable electricity system emerged, a vision that is now commonly referred to as smart grid. Supported by significant federal investment announced in 2009, the DOE, its national laboratories, and industry partners are now making significant strides in smart grid deployments, demonstrations, and research. An imperative underlying these activities are that they contribute to ensuring the steps taken in transitioning toward a smart grid retain a system with dependable performance to the economy and society it services. This paper introduces smart grid concepts, summarizes the status of current smart grid related efforts, and explains smart grid priorities.
出处 《南方电网技术》 2010年第1期1-10,共10页 Southern Power System Technology
基金 supported in part by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory operated for the U.S.Department of Energy by Battelle under Contract DE-AC65-76RLO1830.Copyright2010IEEE.Reprinted,with permission,from IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,Mar.2010,"An Orderly Transition to a Transformed Electricity System,"by S.E.Widergren,E.M.Lightner
关键词 智能电网 开展现状 研究和发展方向 协作性 Smart Grid deployment status research & development directions interoperability
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