

To Review a Historical Translation Which is Applied for Subsidization of Later Project from the Fund of National Social Sciences
摘要 著是大大难于译的,故国家社科基金资助的项目应以研究性原创性的专著为主。所申报的译著《伊斯兰教化后突厥政权简史》系集体编著,译者是从英译本转译的。原著本身便存在一些欠缺和不足。概要活页明确规定,"成果概要不超过2万字"。可申报者的成果概要加全书目录还不到1万字。可见其态度和作风不够严谨严肃。该书翻译的质量不行,连书名都译错。概要中的全书目录与样章中对应的小标题颇不一致。样章中夹杂着大量该译而未译的外语单词—专业术语名。所以,它不值得不应该被立项。 To write is more difficulter than to translate greatly.So the projects which are subsidized by the Fund of National Social Sciences should take monographs of initiation and researches as the dominant factor.The translations A Short-History of Turkish-Islamic States applied for subsidization belongs to nature of collective compilation.There are some deficiencies and inadequacies in the original work itself.It is clear that both attitude and style of the applicant aren't serious and rigorous.The quality of translation of this book is no good.Even the title of the book is translated wrongly.The content of book in the outline of achievement isn't concordant in many parts with corresponding small headings in the sample chapter.The sample chapter is cluttered up with many English words-the special terminologies,which should be translated but not done.Therefore,with all mentioned above,this translation book shouldn't be planed as a project and worth subsidizing.
作者 张箭
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期105-110,共6页 Academics
关键词 著难于译 原书的欠缺 概要的问题 翻译质量 《突厥政权简史》 writing is more difficult than translating deficiencies in original work inadequacy of outline quality of translation a short-history of turkish-islamic states
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