
基于多智能体建模的知识转移激励机制的演化博弈模型与仿真 被引量:3

The Evolutionary Game Model and Simulation of the Knowledge-Transferred Incentive Mechanism Based on Multi-Agent Modeling
摘要 虚拟企业盟员间的知识转移,能够增加盟员企业收益;盟主企业对盟员企业知识转移的激励行为,能够适当降低盟员企业知识转移的风险和成本,提高整个虚拟企业的知识收益。依据演化博弈理论及虚拟企业知识转移基本理论,采用复杂适应系统多智能(Multi-Agent)体的整体建模仿真方法,在NetLogo仿真平台上建立知识转移激励行为的演化博弈仿真模型,在不同的收益参数下对盟主企业的知识转移激励行为与盟员企业间知识转移进行演化博弈分析,得出盟主企业在针对盟员企业知识转移行为时应采取的策略。通过对虚拟企业知识转移激励机理的演化博弈分析,将有助于虚拟企业知识转移激励机制的建立。 The knowledge transfer among the members of the virtual enterprise can increase profits and the incentive behavior of chief enterprises can appropriately decrease the risk and cost of the federate enterprise's knowledge transfer, and improve the entire profits of the incentive behavior. According to the evolutionary game theory and the basic theory of knowledge transfer, we apply the entire simulation modeling method for multi-agent complex adaptive systems to construct the simulation modeling of knowledge transfer incentive behavior on the NetLogo simulation platform. The strategy which is taken during the knowledge transfer incentive behavior by analyzing the the knowledge transfer incentive behavior of the chief enterprise and the evolutionary game of the members' knowledge transfer under different return parameters. By analyzing the evolutionary game of the virtual enterprises' knowledge transfer incentive mechanism will contribute to the construction of the virtual enterprises' knowledge transfer incentive mechanism.
作者 杨波 徐升华
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期162-166,共5页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(08BTQ028) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70761003) 江西省研究生创新专项资金资助项目(YC09A085)
关键词 虚拟企业 知识转移 演化博弈 激励机理 整体建模仿真 router virtual enterprise knowledge transfer evolutionary incentive mechanism entire modeling simulation
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