
采用快速排队算法的WSN任务调度策略研究 被引量:2

Research on fast queuing algorithm based WSN task scheduling strategy
摘要 针对TinyOS使用的FCFS以及各种改进的基于静态优先权的调度策略的缺陷,提出了一种适用于无线传感器网络的基于动态优先权的FQ-IP任务调度策略。该策略通过定时地增加任务队列中任务的优先权大小,使得低优先权任务能够在一定的时间限制内得到系统的调度,提高了系统的整体任务吞吐量。同时,随着无线传感器技术的发展,任务队列长度的增加使得排队算法显得愈发重要,提出了一种平均查找长度较小的排队算法,通过测试表明,该算法可以在增加很小的计算开销下显著提高排队速度。 Aiming at the deficiencies of the TinyOS FCFS and some kinds of static priority based scheduling strategies,a FQ-IP scheduling strategy based on dynamic priority is proposed and implemented on TinyOS.By increasing the tasks'priorities termly which are in the waiting line,the strategy can make the tasks that have lower priority be scheduled after an acceptable interval,and enhance the tasks'throughput of the entire system.Meanwhile,along with the development of WSN technology,the queuing algorithm plays a more important role by reason of the augment of task line.So a queuing algorithm is also proposed which has a shorter ASL(Average Search Length),and the experiment indicates that the algorithm can improve the searching rate with a little cost of computing.
作者 宋风坤 陈涤
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期115-117,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 无线传感器网络 调度策略 动态优先权 TINYOS Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) scheduling strategy dynamic priority TinyOS
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