
P2X7基因多态性与结核病易感性的关联性研究——Meta分析 被引量:4

Association of P2X7 Gene Polymorphisms with the Susceptibility of Tuberculosis:A Meta-analysis
摘要 目前,许多病例对照研究对P2X7基因多态性与结核易感性的关联性进行了探讨,但由于入选病例有限,造成了这些研究结果的不可信。本文应用主题词和关键词“gene”、“P2X7”、“tuberculosis”和“结核”,检索了1998年1月至2009年8月MEDLINE、PUBMED、OVID及CBMdisc数据库发表的有关文献,并辅以文献追溯的方法,手工检索相关的参考文献,试图通过Meta分析,探讨人群P2X7基因2个多态性位点与结核易感性的关系。结果显示,与1513A和-762T等位基因相比,P2胛基因上1513C和一762C多态性等位基因的合并OR值分别为1.43(95%CI为1.21—1.69;P〈0.0001)和0.88(95%CI为0.65—1.20;P=0.43)。研究结果提示,人群P2胛基因1513多态性位点与结核易感性相关,而一762多态性位点与结核易感性不相关。 Although many case-control studies have investigated the association between the P2X7 gene polymorphisms and tuberculosis (TB) susceptibility, results were conflicting due to limited power. This study reviewed the literature systematically by means of meta-analysis, provided a quantitative summary estimate on the association with TB. We searched databases (MEDLINE, PUBMED and OVID) from January 1998 to August 2009 using 'gene' or 'P2X7' , in combination with 'tuberculosis' , performed a manual search of citations from relevant original studies and review articles, or corresponded with authors. The pooled odds ratios (ORs) for studies with 1513C and -762C loci allele variants in the P2X7 gene were 1.43 (95%CI 1.21-1.69;P 〈0.0001) and 0.88 (95% CI 0.65-1.20;P = 0.43), respectively, compared with 1513A and -762T alleles. Polymorphisms at the 1513 locus had a statistically significant association between the P2X7 variants and susceptibility to TB, while the -762 locus allele variants showed no statistically significant association between the P2X7 variants and susceptibility to TB.
出处 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2010年第2期98-101,111,共5页 Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine
关键词 META分析 P2X7 多态性 结核 Meta-analysis P2X7 Polymorphisms Tuberculosis
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