
一组处于马克思理论文献核心位置的文稿——纪念马克思“1857~1859年文稿”产生150周年 被引量:2

A Group of Literature Texts Located the Core Position in Marxist Theoretical Literature——Commemorating Marx's "1857~1859 Manuscripts" 150th Anniversary
摘要 1857年8月到1859年2月,马克思通过对被后来人冠名为《〈政治经济学批判〉导言》开始到《〈政治经济学批判〉序言》结束的一组重要文稿的撰写,终于完成了历经15年的对资产阶级政治经济学的批判,表明与资产阶级政治经济学截然对立的无产阶级政治经济学的产生,并且通过对资本主义生产方式的批判把40年代和恩格斯共同制定的唯物历史观建立在了严密的现实的基础之上,社会主义也终于由人们头脑中的产物变为有客观规律支撑的一门科学。所以,"1857~1859年文稿"是处于马克思理论核心位置的一组重要文献。但是,过去在以前苏联学者为代表的马克思主义理论界都把这一组具有整体性的文稿割裂开来,并将其中最为重要的《1857~1858年经济学手稿》单独抽取出来称之为"《资本论》初稿"。这都是很不妥当的。事实上,包括所谓《1857~1858年经济学手稿》在内的"1857~1859年文稿"具有比《资本论》远为宽泛和丰富的内容。由于"初稿论"的误导,致使马克思的这一组重要文献产生150年之后,其基本部分至今还如同一块广袤的未被探索者勘探过的荒漠土地,没有引起后人对其给予应有的关注和研究。 From Aug. 1857 to Feb. 1859, through researching and writing a group of important theory literature which were named by people later from Introduction on Critique of Political Economy beginging to Preface on Critique of Political Economy ending, Marx had finally finished the criticism to bourgeois plutonomy 15 years, which indicated the rising of proletarian political economics opposite to the bourgeois plutonomy, and established the historical materialism which is formulated with Engels in the 1840s in a tight realistic foundation through critizing the capitalist mode of production and finally changed the social- ism from the outcome of people' s mind to a science which is supported by objective laws. Therefore, "1857 - 1859 manuscript" is a group of literature texts which located the core position in Marxist theoretical literature. However, in the past, the Marxist theory scholars represented with the former Soviet Union put this integrity manuscripts into some pieces, and separated one of the most important "1857 -1858 economics manuscripts" named "the draft of CAPITAL". They are all inappropriate. In fact, including the so - called "1857 - 1858 economics manuscripts" among the "1857 - 1859 manuscripts" have far wider and richer content than the CAPITAL. Because of misleading by "draft", a group of important Marxist documents produced 150 years later, its basic part is still like a vast desert land which is not explored and no other people payed attention to and researched this region.
作者 梁中堂
出处 《兰州商学院学报》 CSSCI 2010年第2期1-25,共25页 Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
关键词 1857~1859年文稿 1857~1858年经济学手稿 马克思文献 核心 1857 - 1859 manuscript 1857 - 1858 economics manuscripts Marxist literature core
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