
MEMS陀螺仪大失准角解耦测试方法的研究 被引量:1

Study on Decoupling Test Method for Big Angular Misalignment of MEMS Gyroscope
摘要 针对传统陀螺仪测试方法不适用于MEMS陀螺仪测试的现状,分析了MEMS陀螺仪标度因数和输入轴失准角测试特点,在此基础上,提出了一种新的解耦测试方法;同时,设计了解耦测试夹具,并给出了解耦测试试验流程;最后采用MEMS陀螺仪典型试验参数进行了仿真。仿真表明,该方法实现了测试参数的解耦,提高了测量精度,适用于大输入轴失准角的MEMS陀螺仪。 Aiming at the current status of the testing method for traditional gyroscope is not suitable for MEMS gyroscope, and on the basis of analyzing the features of testing scale factor and input axis angular misalignment for MEMS gyroscope, a new decoupling testing method is proposed. In addition, the decoupling test fixture is designed, and the decoupling experimental procedures are given. The simulation with typical experimental parameters for MEMS gyroscope is conducted, the result indicates that the method implements decoupling for testing parameters and enhances the accuracy, and it is suitable for MEMS gyroscope with big angular misalignment of input axis.
出处 《自动化仪表》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期50-52,56,共4页 Process Automation Instrumentation
关键词 MEMS 陀螺仪 标定 标度因数 输入轴失准角 解耦 MEMS Gyroscope Calibration Scale factor Input axis angular misalignment Decoupling
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