A series of full-scale rectangular steel reinforced concrete(SRC) columns confined with a newly innovated multi-spiral cage were tested under monotonic axial compression and cyclic lateral load.The multi-spiral cage is a device of two interwoven spirals including a "circular spiral" at the center and a "star spiral" surrounding the perimeter of the column.The innovation of applying the star spiral to the rectangular SRC column is to take its advantage in concrete confinement at the four corners of the rectangular cross-section.The multi-spiral cage can be easily manufactured by automatic processing,which is particularly suitable for the precast construction.The major parameters of this study included the cost effectiveness of the multi-spiral,the axial strength and the seismic resistance of the spirally confined SRC columns.Two full-scale SRC columns were tested under horizontal cyclic loadings.The tested columns were found to be able to sustain a drift angle up to 5.6% radians.As compared to the traditional reinforced concrete column tied with rectangular hoops,the test results revealed that,with significant savings on the consumption of the confinement steel,the SRC columns confined with the multi-spiral cage demonstrated excellent seismic performances in both strength and ductility.
Progress in Steel Building Structures