
UV/Fenton试剂降解RDX废水的研究 被引量:4

Research on the degradation of the wastewater of RDX by UV/Fenton reagent
摘要 研究了Fenton试剂的用量、pH值、光照时间对UV/Fenton试剂降解黑索今(RDX)废水效果的影响。结果表明,UV/Fenton试剂对RDX废水有较好的降解作用,在60 W紫外灯照射下,RDX废水初始质量浓度为180 mg/L、pH值为3、10%双氧水用量为1.20 mL、10%FeSO4溶液[(n(Fe-SO4)∶n(H2O2)=1∶10)]用量为0.12 mL、光照时间为60 m in时,RDX去除率达到95%,CODC r去除率为82%。 In this paper,UV/Fenton reagent were employed to treat the RDX wastewater.The degradation efficiency was affected by factors such as the dosage of Fenton reagent,the pH value and the illumination time.The test results show that UV/ Fenton reagent could effectively treat the RDX wastewater;Under the 60W ultraviolet lamp illumination,the best removal efficiency of RDX reach up to 95% and the best removal efficiency of CODCr come up to 82% when the concentration of RDX is 180 mg/L,pH value is 3,the dosage of H2O2(10% concentration) is 1.20 mL,the dosage of FeSO4(10% concentration) is 0.12 mL(the dosage of FeSO4 satisfies that n(FeSO4)/n(H2O2) is 1∶10) and the illumination time is 60 min.
作者 王亮
出处 《山西化工》 2010年第2期55-58,共4页 Shanxi Chemical Industry
关键词 紫外光 FENTON试剂 黑索今废水 UV Fenton reagent RDX wastewate
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