Witches'broom of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) is an infectious disease causedby both phytoplasma and bacteria -1ike organism. Tharanthu8 Toseus L. infected with causative agent of witches 'broom of rubber trees was used as materia1 in this study. The freshtender stem barks and 1eaf veins of the infected Tharanthus Toseu were extracted withsolution of 0. 1 mol/1 MgCl2 containing 0. 3 mol/1 glycine,pH 7. 6,and then treated withsnail enzyme and centrifuged differentia11y to prepare extract of causative agent ofWitches'broom of rubber trees. This extract was used as antigen to immunize rabbit forpreparing antiserium. Micro -precipitation test showed that the prepared antiserium had atitre of 1: 2048- Such antiserium was employed to detect brown bast of rubber trees bymeans of micro - precipitation and ELISA indirect method,giving a 30 %-37 % succiss indetecting brown bast of rubber trees among the plants showing no syndromes, and a85. 7 % success among the plants of possible infection
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops