根据24份玉米Zea mays品种(系)顶腐病田间发病率调查,利用聚类分析方法对其抗病性进行评价,结果表明:各品种分别以不同的相似系数聚于5个抗病类群,与田间调查的品种(系)抗病程度基本相符。包括玉米顶腐病在内的非绝产性病害发病率不等于损失率,不能应用发病率直接计算其经济产量损失,要以不同抗病品种的病情级别分别取样测定理论产量。理论产量与实际产量组建的关系模型,经检验,两者之间相关程度不显著,初步认为因病害造成农作物产量损失的调查取样及损失评估方法基本符合实际。
The field survey on occurring rate of maize top rot of 24 varieties (lines) and the evaluation of their resistance with cluster analysis methods were conducted. The results showed that all varieties could be clustered into 5 disease-resistant groups, which was similar to the field survey. The disease occurring rate of diseases which do not cause no harvest (including maize top rat) could not be directly used as the crop loss rate or to calculate the economic loss. It was proper to sample and determine the theoretical yield according to the disease level of crop varieties with different disease resistant levels. The correlation between the theoretical yield and actual yield was not significant by X2 test and this suggested that the methods for the survey sampling and assessment of crop yield loss were practical.
Pratacultural Science