
深水钻井隔水导管在起下作业过程中的固有频率研究 被引量:2

Study on natural frequency of deepwater drilling riser during down and up operations
摘要 针对深水钻井隔水导管在起下作业过程中的受力特点,建立了隔水导管系统受力与变形模型,并推导出了隔水导管系统的挠曲方程;在此基础上,根据能量守恒原理建立了隔水导管系统的固有频率方程。通过实例计算,研究了起下作业过程中隔水导管系统固有频率的分布规律,以期为海上钻井作业安全和管理提供科学依据。 According to the characteristics of stress exerted on the deepwater drilling riser during down and up operations,the mechanical model is built to get the flexure equation for the riser system,based on which the natural frequency equation of the drilling riser is established according to the energy conservation principle.The distribution pattern of the natural frequency of deepwater drilling riser during down and up operations is studied through case calculation and it is expected to provide a scientific basis for the safety and management of offshore drilling operation.
作者 姜伟
出处 《中国海上油气》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期37-41,45,共6页 China Offshore Oil and Gas
基金 国家863"深水表层钻井关键技术及装备研究"课题(编号:2007AA09A103)部分研究成果
关键词 深水钻井 隔水导管 起下作业 固有频率 deepwater drilling riser down and up operations natural frequency
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