
脱落酸与胡杨抗盐性的关系 被引量:12

Salt Resistance in Relation to ABA In P euphratica
摘要 为模拟胡杨根系受盐胁迫时引起ABA水平上升的生理作用,用一定浓度的NaCl,ABA和玉米素单独和联合施入胡杨的根系环境,发现:ABA处理和NaCl处理都能迅速引起气孔阻力上升,并且两者的作用有加合性.与NaCl处理相比,NaCl+ABA处理的胡杨吸收离子减少,而吸收钾和钙离子增加.说明ABA作为盐胁迫的调控信号能引起膜结构变化,改善选择吸收功能,从而拮抗盐离子的有害影响.玉米素的作用与ABA的作用恰好相反. By applying exotic ABA and zeatine,it was found that P euphr-atica could reduce salt influx in two ways after sensing salt stress:①closing stomatal could reduce transpiration and therefore reduce ion influx by mass flow;②enforcing ion selectivity could reduce ion influx of harmful elements and increase ion influx of nutritional elements,which would alleviate salt stress Furthermore,Ca 2+ contents in xylum sap under ABA treatment were 6times as much as that under control,indicating that P euphratica could transport more Ca 2+ to leaf under stress condition The high concentration of Ca 2+ can maintain membrane integrity in one hand,and induce closure of stomatal in the other hand Thus it can be concluded that Ca 2+ is a salt resistance signal for P euphratica
出处 《西南林学院学报》 CAS 1998年第1期8-14,共7页 Journal of Southwest Forestry College
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 胡杨 盐分 抗盐性 激素 脱落酸 P euphratica Salt Salt resistance Plant hormone ABA
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