短短一天的中国之行,Lynne Greene女士先后接受了多家中国媒体的专访、出席了雅诗兰黛集团旗下悦木之源(Origins)品牌在上海的开店仪式、晚间又参加了悦木之源上市酒会。身为雅诗兰黛集团倩碧(Clinique)、悦木之源和Ojon三大品牌的全球总裁,Lynne的日程安排永远紧锣密鼓。
Over more than 20 years of service at Estee Lauder, Lynne has grown from an ordinary employee to become a female top executive in the global cosmetic industry. Fully responsible for the operation for Clinique in more than 135 countries, she has successfully strengthened its leading position in professional skin care. For more than 5 years, she was the president of Origins and responsible for the brand's globalization strategy and its retail expansion in the United States. Last year, the group reappointed her as the president of Origins who is also in charge of the growing Ojon brand.