
当前东亚形势与中国的政策选择 被引量:1

Current Regional Situation in East Asia and China's Policy Options
摘要 当前东亚地区形势中,大国力量处于相对平衡,安全形势趋于稳定,自贸区建设速度加快,国际经济金融互动增强,形成了立体多维的合作模式。东亚地区形势出现了合作模式不断扩溢、战略安全互信、经济互补性与一体化和共同体认知程度增强的新特征,旧问题在新形势下也出现了新情况。应对当前东亚地区形势变动引起的机遇和挑战,中国作出了较为现实的政策选择,力促东亚地区形势朝着更加和谐的方向平稳过渡。 In the current regional architect of East Asia,major powers are relatively in the balance,security situation is tends to stability,FTAs are built much faster,and international economic and financial interactions are reinforced,thus cubic and polydimensional cooperative model is taking shape.New characteristics,such as spillover of cooperative mode,increase of strategic mutual-trust,economic complementarity and integration,and community identity have appeared in East Asia.Some old issues have also changed a little in the latest situation.To tackle the opportunities and challenges induced by current regional architect transformation in East Asia,China has made relatively realistic policy options,to advance the smooth transition of regional harmonious architect in East Asia.
作者 周士新
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期9-13,共5页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
关键词 地区形势 自贸区建设 东亚一体化 机制性合作 Regional Situation FTA Building East Asia Integration Regime Cooperation
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  • 1Peter Toft, "John J. Mearsheimer.. An Offensive Realist between Geopolitics and Power", Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2005, p. 381-408.
  • 2Wang Jisi, "China's Changing Role in Asia", in Kokubun Ryosei and Wang Jisi, ed. , The Rise of China and a Changing East Asian Order, Tokyo: Japan Center for Interna tional Exchange, 2004, pp. 3-21.
  • 3余建军.亚太多边安全的理念与实践研究.国际展望,2008,:135-135.
  • 4Michael Moodie, "Cooperative Security: Implications for National Security and International Relations", SAND98- 0505/14, January 2000, p. 5. http: //www. cmc. sandia, gov/ cmc-papers/sand98-- 050514. pdf.
  • 5Opening Address by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the 41st ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, 21 July 2008, http: //www. iseas, edu. sg/aseanstudiescentre/ascp10--08, pdf.
  • 6Chairman's Statement of the 4th East Asia Summit Cha--am Hua Hin, Thailand, 25 October 2009, http: // www. 15thaseansummit -- th. org/PDF/25 -- 08 _ EAS% 20Statement. pdf.
  • 7“外交部就温家宝总理出席东亚领导人系列会议举行中外媒体吹风会”,新华网,http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2009-10/22/content_12293620.htm.
  • 8Chairman's Statement of the 12th ASEAN- China Summit Cha--am Hua Hin, Thailand, 24 October 2009, http://www. 15thaseansummit- th. org/PDF/ASEAN -- China _ Statement Final_ with_ logo. pdf.
  • 9Daiwa Institute of Research, "Trade, Investment and Financial Integration in East Asia," Submitted to the ASEAN Secretariat, May 2005, http: //www. aseansec, org/17898, pdf.




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