
长沙地区公共建筑热湿现状与热舒适性研究 被引量:18

Study on Heat and Moisture Status and Thermal Comfort in Public Buildings of Changsha
摘要 本文通过对长沙地区夏季和冬季办公楼、博物馆、火车站候车室、酒店、商场和医院等公共建筑室内环境热湿参数进行实测以及对人员热感觉进行问卷调查,分析了不同公共建筑内的热湿现状和人体热舒适性。对现场测试结果进行分析可知,夏季火车站室内平均空气温度高达29.8℃,而博物馆内只有22.7℃;冬季大部分公共建筑(除酒店外)室内平均空气温度低于18.0℃。问卷调查统计结果表明夏季博物馆内人们热感觉偏冷、火车站候车室内热感觉偏热;而冬季博物馆、火车站候车室和商场内人们热感觉均偏冷。此外,各公共建筑内夏季实测平均热感觉投票值TSV低于理论PMV,而冬季高于理论PMV。进一步的人体热舒适性分析得到夏季和冬季公共建筑内实测热中性温度分别为27.4℃和15.7℃,而根据PMV获得的理论热中性温度分别为26.6℃和19.8℃,实测值与理论值的差别说明在该地区公共建筑内,人们的耐热和耐冷能力都有所增强。夏季和冬季公共建筑内能被80%的人们所接受的热舒适温度范围分别为25.5~29.4℃和13.5~19.6℃。本文分析得到的热中性温度和热舒适温度范围可为夏热冬冷地区公共建筑暖通空调系统的节能设计提供一定的参考。 In order to investigate the thermal environment and occupants' comfort,a field study of heat and moisture parameters were carried out and the related study of questionnaires was conducted in public buildings(office building,museum,railway station waiting room,hotel,marketplace and hospital) of Changsha in summer and winter.For the studied buildings,measured results demonstrated that the average air temperature in railway station waiting room reached at 29.8℃ in summer,while it was a little cold in museum as the average air temperature was only 22.7℃.In winter,the averaged air temperatures of most buildings,except hotel,were lower than 18.0℃.The analysis of questionnaires indicated that people felt a little cold in museum and a little hot in railway station waiting room in summer,and in winter,thermal sensation of occupants in museum,railway station waiting room and marketplace tend to be a little cold.Besides,in most buildings,the corresponding average values of TSV were lower than the theoretical PMV values in summer,while it was reverse in winter.Furthermore,the tested neutral temperatures were 27.4℃ and 15.7℃ in summer and winter respectively,while according to PMV values,the calculated theoretical neutral temperatures were 26.6℃ and 19.8℃.The difference between tested values and calculated values indicated that local people's ability to endure the hot and cold environment was improved.The indoor air temperatures corresponding to the accepted thermal environment by 80% of the occupants were 25.5~29.4℃ in summer and 13.5~19.6℃ in winter.To sum up,the neutral temperature and temperature zone of thermal comfort presented in this paper would be helpful for air-conditioning design of public buildings in hot summer and cold winter area.
出处 《建筑科学》 北大核心 2010年第4期38-43,47,共7页 Building Science
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划"建筑室内热湿环境人工控制与改善关键技术研究"(2006BAJ02A09-2)
关键词 公共建筑 热感觉 热中性温度 热舒适 public building thermal sensation neutral temperature thermal comfort
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