
Late Pleistocene human skull from Jingchuan, Gansu Province 被引量:3

Late Pleistocene human skull from Jingchuan, Gansu Province
摘要 Jingchuan human fossil, found in Gansu Province in 1976, was given a preliminary report in 1984, but questions remained con- cerning the age and character of the fossil. We conducted field investigation at Jingchuan in May of 2006 to examine the stratum yielding the human fossil and to obtain sediment samples for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Three samples collected from different stratigraphic levels at the fossil locality yielded OSL dates of 15, 48 and 7.9 thousand years ago (ka), respectively. Taking stratum study, mammalian fossils and paleoliths into consideration, the OLS date of 15-48 ka appears to be more close to the true age of Jingchuan cranium. There is no distinct difference between the fossil cranium and modern craniums in terms of the traits analyzed, so the relatively modern traits of the Jingchuan cranium do not contradict with its age. Principal components analysis shows that the Jingchuan cranium may be somewhat primitive. Jingchuan human fossil, found in Gansu Province in 1976, was given a preliminary report in 1984, but questions remained concerning the age and character of the fossil. We conducted field investigation at Jingchuan in May of 2006 to examine the stratum yielding the human fossil and to obtain sediment samples for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Three samples collected from different stratigraphic levels at the fossil locality yieIded OSL dates of 15, 48 and 7.9 thousand years ago (ka), respectively. Taking stratum study, mammalian fossils and paleoliths into consideration, the OLS date of 15-48 ka appears to be more close to the true age of Jingchuan cranium. There is no distinct difference between the fossil cranium and modem craniums in terms of the traits analyzed, so the relatively modern traits of the Jingchuan cranium do not contradict with its age. Principal components analysis shows that the Jingchuan cranium may be somewhat primitive.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第11期1047-1052,共6页
基金 supported by the Knowledge Innovation Pro-gram of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-106) the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.40972017) the Major Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB806400) the International Cooperation Program of China (Grant No. 2007DFB20330) OSL study was supported by the Project from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (HKU703205)
关键词 人类头骨 甘肃省 晚更新世 人类化石 哺乳动物化石 颅骨特征 泾川县 主成分分析 Jingchuan, cranium, human fossil, Late Pleistocene, traits
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